Save Money, Enhance Comfort with Standard, Your Go-To Wall Insulation Installer

Saving money on energy costs and improving the efficiency of homes and businesses could be as easy as installing wall insulation.

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the combination of insulation and sealing air leaks can save up to 20% on total energy costs. These actions also provide better indoor climate control, reduce noise pollution from outside, and minimize the number of insects and allergens invading indoor spaces.

Standard’s reputation as a trusted wall insulation contractor throughout the Mohawk Valley and Capital Region extends back to 1928. That’s nearly a century of experience protecting homes and businesses from the area’s hot, humid summers and cold, frigid winters.

Benefits of Hiring a Wall Insulation Contractor

Standard’s expert wall insulation contractors thoroughly inspect existing structures to quickly determine the best options to ensure customers enjoy the energy savings and comfort that comes with well-insulated walls.

Wall insulation is critical for preventing heat transfer. Without adequate insulation, heat enters buildings during warm weather and escapes during cold weather. This puts an added burden on HVAC systems and increases energy expenditures for owners.

In addition to increased energy efficiency and more stable temperature control, wall insulation benefits include:

  • Less noise coming in from outside
  • Healthier indoor air quality
  • Improved control over humidity levels
  • Reduced noise between interior spaces
EmPower+ logo
EmPower+ logo

How to Afford New Insulation

One of the hallmarks of Standard is our partnership with EmPower+, which helps qualifying households cover the cost of insulation upgrades. Regardless of your income level or housing status — owner, renter, Standard has options to help secure the necessary insulation service to make your home weather-resistant and comfortable.

How to Know if You Need Wall Insulation

During the construction process, the absence of wall insulation is obvious, but it’s not as easy to detect in homes that are already built.

Different types of insulation can last up to 100 years, but it may degrade over time or become damaged, reducing its efficiency. It’s also possible that the walls were never adequately insulated.

Attics and crawl spaces are typically easy to check for insulation, but it’s not as easy to determine if you need wall insulation service. Start by looking for a few common signs of an insulation problem:

  • Temperatures that vary significantly from room to room.
  • Walls that are cold to the touch during winter.
  • High energy bills.
  • Increase in pest activity.
  • Pipes that freeze frequently.
  • Drafts when doors and windows are closed.

Contact Standard, a Premier Internal & External Wall Insulation Installer

If you notice any signs that your walls may not be adequately insulated, call insulation professionals to assess the situation. Standard’s expert team will provide a free inspection before making recommendations based on your unique needs.

Additionally, no matter if you rent or own, Standard can connect you with assistance programs like EmPower+, which makes it free to upgrade wall insulation and achieve improved energy efficiency if you qualify. Other programs can help save as much as 50% on upgrades.

Are you ready to get started?

Call Standard today at 800-738-1424 to speak with a professional or to schedule a free consultation with an expert wall insulation installer.